Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Eris Factor – Viewpoints through a New Lens

Whenever we consider the astrological interpretations for the planets we need to consider the actual properties it has, and the ancient myth after which it was named. When a new planet is discovered it provides a different window through which to define the whole astrological interpretation. This is because the discovery provides a novel viewpoint for the whole of civilisation.
Often the properties of the planet are scientifically identified after the astrological signature has been established. There is a sort of random coincidence between the naming of a planet by the scientific community, its associated myth, its properties and its astrological interpretation.
Take Uranus as an example.
Uranus has always been the planet of revolution. It provides shocks and rules electricity, Aquarius and the United States. So some facts about it. Uranus was discovered on March 13, 1781 by William Herschell who was by trade a piano tuner. Herschell was a amateur astronomer and had ground his own mirror which allowed him to see the planet. His discovery broke through the limitations of the natural eye and heralded in a scientific revolution.
While Thomas Newcomen patented the first atmospheric steam engine in 1712 it wasn't until 1769 that James Watt designed an improved steam engine that machine power became useful. This heralded the industrial revolution.
1775 was the start of the American War of Independence which went on til 1783. The leyden jar battery was invented Holland in 1745 and Benjamin Franklin carried out his famous kite experiment in 1752. Franklin was a member of the US Continental Congress which crafted the Articles of Confederation and he helped draft the Declaration of Independence and the American Constitution.
In 1783, Laki erupted in Iceland and colder climate of the Little Ice Age combined with France's failure to adopt the potato as a staple crop contributes to widespread famine and malnutrition. The treaty of Paris ended the Independence war in 1783. The success of the American colonists against a European power increases the ambitions of those wishing for reform in France.
1789 was the storming of the Bastille and the beginning of the real French Revolution.
As you can see everything was in place to instigate a revolutionary phase when Uranus was discovered. Uranus is tilted at 97o essentially rolling around its orbit with the Sun. The axial tilt was only hinted at by Herschell in 1789 and finally confirmed in 1930. Uranus is out of phase with every other planet.
Uranus was the only planet (until the 1930 discovery of Pluto, Chiron and now Eris) whose name is derived from a figure from Greek mythology rather than Roman mythology. In the myth Uranus is a very potent god who procreates the Titans. The youngest and most ambitious is Cronus who was encouraged by his mother Gaia to castrate him.
When we consider the effects of the Industrial and Scientific revolutions we can see how the world of Gaia has been disturbed by the castration of the natural potential. Until the discovery and naming of Eris in 2007 we had no understanding of how the myth would unfold.
There is a natural connection between Uranus and Eris due to the association with the sign of Aquarius and its influence as the incoming Age. Uranus rules Aquarius at the mundane level but rules Libra at an esoteric level. Eris is the mundane ruler of Libra for a number of reasons, most obviously because it is tilted at an angle of about 44 degrees to the ecliptic. This means it is closer to the pivot point of a balance. This also makes it another odd-ball of the Solar system. Libra is the odd-ball sign because it is the only sign that isn't shown by a living thing. Libra is a balance, a man-made instrument for measuring natural principles.
All of this in essential when we start into astrological readings. Everybody's chart has to be interpreted against the prevailing background. It would be nonsense to do a chart reading and interpret it as if we were living in the eighteen century. So how is it that astrologers haven't updated the planetary interpretations against new scientific information?
So how will Eris affect how we interpret the new background? When you look at the myth surrounding Eris it doesn't appear too hot. She is hideous and disagreeable, the Goddess of Strife and Chaos. But when you look at those ideas a little deeper we have to ask, from whose point of view. First of all she is the only Goddess who is not invited to the forced wedding of Peleus and Thetis. She represents something not willingly invited.
Eris throws into the gathering the Golden Apple of Discord inscribed with the words “to the fairest” which was grabbed by three Goddesses Hera, Athena and Aphrodite. The "apple of discord" became a euphemism for the core, kernel, or crux of an argument, or for a small matter that could lead to a bigger dispute. The three Goddesses squabble over who is the fairest and Paris is selected by Zeus to adjudicate between the warring Goddesses.
It should not be forgotten that Peleus and his brother Telamon killed their half-brother Phocus, perhaps in a hunting accident and certainly in an unthinking moment. Thus, we identify this incident happens at the wedding of a criminal.
The three candidates bathed in the spring of Ida, then confronted Paris on Mount Ida in the climactic moment that is the crux of the tale. Each goddess wanted to be judged the fairest, so they each undressed and presented themselves to Paris naked, in hopes of appearing more sexual than the other two. While Paris inspected them, each attempted with her powers to bribe him; Hera offered to make him king of Europe and Asia, Athena offered wisdom and skill in war, and Aphrodite offered the world's most beautiful woman, Helen of Sparta, wife of the Greek king Menelaus. Paris accepted Aphrodite's gift and awarded the apple to her, receiving Helen as well as the enmity of the Greeks and especially of Hera.
Here we see the aspect of judgement being swayed by bribery. From this it is possible to see that mortals (Paris) is swayed by greed for Power, Wealth, Wisdom and Lust. All of which were offered by the Goddesses. Only Eris seems to be clear in her intention. The two forms of Eris are really Divine Justice or Divine Retribution. These are distinguished by truth or through deception.
The greed for Power, Wealth, Wisdom and Lust are the background against which we need to interpret our astrology. It turns out that Eris holds the balance between Divine Justice and Divine retribution and each one of us will be judged accordingly. Either there is ownership and remorse or there is denial of accountability. The Aquarian Age will bring in the three qualities of Responsibility, Accountability and Transparency.
Since the advent of the Hubble telescope we are able to see details that were never available previously. I now give updated consultations to people all over the world through the Skype system, another aspect of the Aquarian Age. As the new Eris consciousness settles in, it redefines how society will organise itself. Eris fills the final void for the rulers of the signs and so set a precedent as the conditions for humanity into the foreseeable future. Pluto set the conditions for the unconscious realms, Eris sets them for the super-conscious realm.
If you would like a consultation for this new level of insight you can request one by contacting me at

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