Everybody knows that the US economy is in chaos. There are many commentators that tell us that it has bottomed out; others that it is only just beginning. What is the truth?
Everybody seems to have an opinion on America and its policies over its recent history, but we fail to remember is the promise when it sought Independence and was founded in1776. Astrology reminds us of the promise and where it is now relative to that promise.
Right at this moment the US is going through its nineth sequence of Saturn returns since its founding. Often these sequences go in threes, that is a conjunction followed by a retrograde conjunction folllowed by the final touch before moving on into the next period. The US had its first in December 2010, then March and finally 28th August. What this means is that the writing was on the wall in December with a period of time to react and readjust before its markets have to be accountable. Clearly the US did not do this.
Saturn is representative of a number of concepts, primarily the economy or money. It is also concerned with security, order and regulations and timing.
All of this is pretty standard astrology. What most astrologers do not contend with is the significance of the Solar Systems latest arrivee, the dwarf planet Eris. Eris represents the only other feminine planet besides Venus. She brings "balance to the Force", in Star Wars terms. Actually she is the bringer of Divine Justice and Divine Retribution. Perhaps better she is the Divine reviewer and Judge.
On 24th January 2012 transiting Pluto finally impacts on the natal Eris in the US chart. Pluto brings life through the death of the old, that is transformation. When the ruler of the underworld meets Justice, old debts have to be paid, sentence is passed and the term has to be served. But all is not lost, because America was founded on principles long forgotten but preserved in the first Constitution. The two lights, masculine and feminine are both resident in Aquarius the ruling sign of the US. Neptune, the dreamer and idealist is also still in Aquarius which brings ideas into a practical and fixed position. No all is not lost, but it will take a visionary leader who takes finance and greed out of the equation. Aquarius was once ruled by Saturn before Uranus arrived to lift humanity into a new consciousness, birthing the Industrial revolution in1763. only thirteen years before the US came into being.
2012 marks the beginning of a new age of unity brought about by technology and the internet. Whether we use this for the benefit of humanity as a whole and shift our consciousness to a sense of belonging, or we use it for suppression and control rests in the balance. What is certain, Eris will cast down Justice for whichever we choose or allow to happen.
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